Orkibal Labikro – The Alien Takeover
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Vector artist Orkibal Labikro hails from Malaysia and is twenty-eight this year. We’re not even sure if this is his real name because very little can be found about this amazing illustrator on the Internet. What we know? Orkibal claims to be a boring person when you consider him in the context of a human being. But when you look at him as an alien, he becomes more interesting.
What we know for sure is that Labriko’s aliens are cute and adorable and yet possesses that strangely easy to connect with. It’s a bit like when you’re looking at Lilo & Stitch… aliens in a strange place, longing for something more than being different, a little zany and wild.
Most of Orkibal Labikro’s vector artworks are pretty wild and exuberant in terms of colors. It’s yellow, orange, red and black everywhere and we love it!
Most of Orkibal Labikro’s vector artworks are pretty wild and exuberant in terms of colors. It’s yellow, orange, red, pink and purple everywhere and we love it!
Labikro’s illustrations will definitely make a little kid go wild. He also makes full use of his alien skills to expand his illustrations and artworks into complete exhibitions.
Don’t you just love it when you actually get to see the “alien” behind those amazing designs? We do! Now we just need to find out who’s Labikro ;)
We’re not sure of the location of this stunning piece of black and white artwork but it’s ogle-worthy. It features his favorite alien of all too.
Visit Orkibal’s Flickr page http://www.flickr.com/photos/orkibal for more of his artwork. And maybe you’ll fall in love with Labikro’s alien universe too!

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1 John Foldvari says...
Posted at 12:57 p.m. on November 18, 2009
2 Ricardo Bonfanti says...
Posted at 7:32 p.m. on November 19, 2009
3 Arturo Irula says...
Posted at 5:49 a.m. on November 21, 2009