From Absurdistan, With Vector Love
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Glenn Jones is a New Zealand freelance vector artist and the co-owner of the infamous Glennz Tees. With 15 years of experience under his belt, Jones is a master of ingeniously capturing bizarre moments in his vector illustrations. His humorous designs -creative snapshots of a parallel fantasy universe- span the globe. Welcome to Glennz’ huge ever growing pulsating brain that rules from the centre of absurdity.
New Zealand based illustrator Glenn Jones has always been passionate about drawing. He studied design in the pre-computer, old good analogue marker days. In the early nineties, he got his first job as a junior designer at a local newspaper. Jones started to hand draw images, scan them and apply colors. In his spare time, he taught himself how to use an early version of Adobe Illustrator. He fell in love with the clean result of vector art, and has been pushing his illustration style and concepts ever since.
Consciously absorbing everything that happens around him, Jones humorously conveys his love for anecdotes and the fascinating things that happen in life in expressive vector artworks. Each of his illustrations tells its own story; often ironic and absurd but always beautifully crafted in simple lines and bright colors.
If you would like to discover more on the amazing vector art universe of Mr. Jones, or order one of his truly original t-shirts, check out his website:

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1 welovefresh says...
Posted at 9:54 a.m. on March 21, 2010
2 Abhilash says...
Posted at 2:56 p.m. on April 8, 2010
3 Quintis says...
Posted at 1:48 p.m. on June 24, 2011
4 Zok says...
Posted at 8:04 p.m. on August 2, 2011