Music Instruments
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Free musical instruments vector art pack. Music plays an important role in our lives. The songs we listen to on the radio or sing under the shower, the concerts and festivals we visit, the soundtracks of our favorite movies. From pop, rock to jazz and classical tunes… no matter what style of music - it makes us feel good. As John Miles sings: "Music was my first love, and it will be my last".
A free vector set of high quality musical instruments, including drums, trumpet, sax and violin. Vector art pack created by Trait Designs. We love music, we live for music – and vector art, of course!
License: CC Attribution 3.0 Personal and Commercial Use
Download this free vector pack, containing PDF, SVG, Illustrator AI and EPS.
Music Instrument Vectors (AI, EPS, PDF, SVG) |

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1 Gerardo says...
Posted at 7:46 p.m. on March 20, 2012