Computer Symbols
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Useful computer vectors, technology icons, interface graphics and web applications clip art. Increase the professionalism of your website, blog or social network page with this basic web icons set, available in 5 color versions. Make your web pages user-friendly, visually appealing and easier to navigate. Create your own blog theme or flash animation with these fresh communication and modern technology clip art, saved in Illustrator AI and EPS vector art format.
If you search for basic vector clip art for your web applications, technology, communication, social network promotion, Facebook page, blog or web site graphics, look no further. Draw attention to your content, navigation and specialized controls with this vector icons pack: web banners, interface design footage, arrows, search engine banners, clock symbols, original emoticons, social media platform buttons, currency, web apps icons, desktop applications images, Microsoft and Apple logos, brightness, on/off, log-in graphics, tools, globe, lock, return and forward signs, RSS feed buttons, speech balloon illustrations, smart phone and computer screen clip art and rating stars graphics. The vector icons pack includes 5 color versions: blue, black, green, red and silver. The zip also includes the raster version (hi-res JPG). At Vector.NET, we love to share the best available vector freebies with you, so make sure to subscribe to our RSS feed.
Interface design icons by
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Download Computer Symbols (AI, EPS) |

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