
Although we are not exactly the types to have an AK-47 Avtomat Kalashnikova in the trunk of our car or wear a .357 Magnum under our armpit, we can appreciate the beauty and iconic simplicity of a well-designed vector pack of guns.
Read moreAlthough we are not exactly the types to have an AK-47 Avtomat Kalashnikova in the trunk of our car or wear a .357 Magnum under our armpit, we can appreciate the beauty and iconic simplicity of a well-designed vector pack of guns.
Read moreWe know the Latin expression “Deus Ex Machina” from the classical theatres of Greece and Rome. The meaning is something as “God from the machine”, and refers to a mechanical solution of an unsolvable situation in an unexpected way. Many centuries later, machine tools played an important role in the success of the Industrial Revolution.
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