Vector Art Revolution
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As you certainly know, vector art and digital illustration are a big trend within the graphic design world. We see vector artworks everywhere: from fashion illustrations, motion graphics, print media to web design…
Vector art is hip and everywhere. That's official. Where once illustration was graphic design’s lesser-known cousin it has now re-emerged having been rejuvenated, reworked and rethought.
The ever-growing success of vector art has not occurred overnight. For years now a group of talented illustrators all-over the world have been spearheading the vector art movement by producing great work that simply could not been neglected by design trendsetters and media.
Vector graphics also offer plenty of technical advantages. The vector technique allows the preservation of quality within an image. These graphics at times offer superior quality over the traditional (raster) image formats, such as bitmap. This means that if you were to view a bitmap and vector image next to each other, you’ll be able to see when you zoom in that the bitmap image will suffer from pixelation while the vector graphic’s quality has remained intact.
Today, vector art is the weapon of choice for a new generation of illustrators. Believe us: vector illustration is taking no prisoners… Here you can see some amazing examples of vector art. Enjoy!
“Revolution of the Mind” by Fredrik Oscarsson
With two bachelors in design (communication design, Sydney and industrial design, Visby) under his belt and industry experience since 2 years, Fredrik Oscarsson can proudly call himself a visual communicator and designer with an amazing portfolio.
Oscarsson’s humble aim is to exceed the 7 wonders of the world, dominate the 4 corners of the world and to become the number 1 graphic designer. His strategy in this holy quest for world domination is mad skills in all techniques required by a graphic artist. The results of his ambitious undertaking are smashing vector illustrations and powerful concepts.
You can admire more of his works on his Flawless Formula website:
“Your Imaginary Friend” by Fredrik Oscarsson
“Subtraction” by Fredrik Oscarsson
“We Don’t Need No Education” by Marta Cerdà Alimbau
Marta Cerdà Alimbau is an incredible talented Spanish illustrator and grahic designer who lives and works in Barcelona. She studied at the renowned Elisava University and started working for creative agencies as Vasava and Toormix. Last year, Marta won the 6th edition of the Art Director’s Club Young Guns competition and started her own design studio.
Marta loves vector illustration, graphic design and typography in the very exact way and loves to switch freely from one to another in her projects, often with amazing results.
Today, Marta works as an illustrator and designer for global brands, international media and agencies. Her client list includes London studio Mother, Zoo York, Coca-Cola and the Guardian. Her work has been published in magazines like Visual, IDN and Computer Arts.
You can see more of Marta’s mind-blowing vector illustrations, typographic work and font development on her website:
“Beautiful Decay” Logo Remix by Marta Cerdà Alimbau
“Videojuegos”, Cover for Fotogramas Magazine by Marta Cerdà Alimbau
"Panda Revolution III" by William Chua
As a freelance illustrator and kidult, William Chua believes strongly in creating something out of nothing. He is heavily influenced by Chinese and Japanese culture and loves to tell visual stories in his very recognizable colorful, poppy and iconic way.
The cool thing is that William likes to share his technique and skills with the world. With his amazing tutorials for Adobe Illustrator CS4, the master teaches upcoming talent how to create top-notch vectors. Chua got also his 15 minutes of fame with his colorful ads for Tiger Beer, Chinese New Year events in Chinatown Singapore and publications in magazines as Imagine FX and Synk. To discover more of Chua’s universe, visit
“Panda Revolution - Crossing The Great Mountains” by William Chua
"Panda Revolution IV" by William Chua

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1 Nikolai Rusev says...
Posted at 10:24 p.m. on June 6, 2010
2 simlik says...
Posted at 7:55 p.m. on June 27, 2010