Vector Magic

Vector Magic is an online script developed by the University of Stanford, which is capable of converting raster images to vector images. Illustrators and graphic designers are guided thoroughly through the procedure with explanations, which help them understand each step in the vectorization process.
Vector Magic converts bitmap images like Photoshop jpgs, tifs, gifs and pngs to clean, scalable vector artworks. The final vector artwork can be saved as Illustrator ai, eps, svg or pdf file. The conversion begins by uploading a raster image to the Vector Magic website. If the image is too large it will be automatically reduced to the right size.
A first analysis is automatically suggesting an image classification, which is spot on most of the times. Designers have to select a quality level of the vector artwork that is done by comparing the three settings they can choose from with a zoomed in part of the uploaded images. After that the amount of colors has to be selected. The choice is either 12 (or fewer) colors or unlimited colors. Once that is done the image will be automatically converted to a vector illustration and the result will be displayed in a frame next to the original image. It is possible to adjust all the settings and create the image again if the output is not looking well. Results can also be edited manually to correct segmentation errors.
Vector Magic offers numerous advantages. The program saves you time and frustration, while the Vector Magic software gives better results than the current alternatives. Vector Magic replaces tedious hand tracing and produces vector art with a better accuracy. The Vector Magic’s trace results are quite clean, and if they require corrections it’s usually much less work than what’s required for competing vector tracing tools.
When you sign up on the Vector Magic site, you get a few conversions for free, so you can test the amazing features of this vector trace program. For further use, Vector Magic is available as an online edition or as a desktop edition. The vector art service on the website cost 7.95$/month for unlimited vector conversions. The stand-alone desktop license cost 295$ (one time charge). For more information or to purchase the licenses, visit
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1 elena says...
Posted at 12:08 p.m. on August 9, 2010
2 ferry says...
Posted at 2:37 p.m. on May 31, 2011
3 Yoanes Sebastian says...
Posted at 7:51 p.m. on November 2, 2011